How does Thomas return to reality? More specifically, Why does he want to return to reality?
THOMAS Just get the fuck out of here! Get out of my head, man.
(beat. CARLOS takes a breath full of his cigarette, lets out the smoke.)
CARLOS Y'know, my friend... (snuffs out the cigarette.) You can't just fix things by wishing them out of your life.
THOMAS Of course I can! This is my head. I want you out. Now.
CARLOS I'm here for a reason, Tom.
THOMAS To inflict pain? This isn't my mind - it's hell, isn't it?
(CARLOS grabs THOMAS by the shoulders, shakes him.)
CARLOS Listen to me. You're right. This is hell, if you want it to be. But right now, this is your mind. (beat. THOMAS sniffs, and cries somewhat.) I'm in your head. And /you/ have me here for a reason.
(CARLOS lets go of THOMAS.)
(WOMEN appear upstage.)
WOMAN 1 Humans are profoundly social creatures.
WOMAN 2 The human brain has adapted to relationships being a crucial part of our survival.
WOMAN 3 With each new relationship, a new corner of the mind is dedicated...
WOMAN 1 To predict how they'd react.
WOMAN 2 To imagine them when they're gone.
WOMAN 3 To remember how to exist alongside them.
WOMAN 1 But all things can be forgotten...
CARLOS If you truly want me gone.. waste your time. Waste the years away. Let the lights go out, let your body decay let the people who love you stop their visits. It will take years, but... you can do it. Thomas, There is a cord between you and I. You can sever it if you want. It will take time. But I will leave. Me, and everybody else. Your mind will shut down. And you will die.
THOMAS Is that what you want? You want me dead, don't you?
CARLOS I can tell... you're trying to imagine me saying that. I am a figment of your imagination, but I have limits. You cannot imagine those words through my mouth, Thomas. Because I do not. I never wanted you dead.
What drove Thomas to this space, short term and long term? Why does Thomas think Carlos wants him dead?
THOMAS Because I needed you! Because without you we were as good as dead!