you have the right to exist: breathe, enter into life, marvel at how the sun is good, and the land is good and the trees are hallowed and blessed even those crushed stone which makes our buildings are good, for they house the parents, who rear the children, who play with one another, and the new generation is born, giddy with glee
breathe, and remember, you are the oxygen which fills your lungs and brings life to your cells you are the food you consume, and the water you drink, you are the people you love, and they are you:
and you hate yourself, considering yourself sub-human?
I declare a new gospel:
GOD saw all that he had made, and it was very good. GOD surveyed the world: the birds and the deer the parks and the forests the children and the fully grown and GOD saw you. And he smiled. And he said, it is all very good.