PRIEST You do realize that everybody at school saw you and your faggot trash breakdown, right? Nobody's gonna take you seriously anymore
I think I'd like to take a little break from this story for now, though I'm sure I'll come back to it soon enough...
I've been thinking about some problems that will come up with the plot:
- How does a story that takes place entirely within someone's head operate mechanically? It's not like characters are only in one place or another, or like Thomas is really "travelling" anywhere. It could all too easily wind up feeling kinda "stuck"...
- especially considering that THOMAS would play a role in basically every scene, right? In the middle of things, how could a scene take place without him, or with his minimal participation? Watching a memory unfold?
- lighting will be critical to consider in terms of staging... but that would be a later detail.
- so far, the Dramatis Personae includes...
I wonder if we could incorporate some IFS insights into here, or whether that would make things too complicated.
I think with that cast of characters, we have a decent plot complexity... but it could certainly use some more... oomph. I'm not sure what to call it.